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Structural Osteopathy


What is Structural Osteopathy? 

Structural osteopathy is primarily aimed at treating the tissues that make up the structure of the body, such as the muscles, ligaments, joints and tendons. Structural Osteopathy includes using a variety of manual techniques to help muscles stretch and increase the range of movement in joints. This aims to result in helping contribute towards blood supply enhancement, organs to function better and helps aid the nervous system. 

Structural Osteopathy aims to assess which structures in the body are not working well and how the body can improve its ranges of movement in affected joints. Sometimes muscles tend to switch off or get locked in a certain position. Structural Osteopathy techniques can help tissues to relax and get back to work. We will also assess posture and ailments in individuals looking at how they move, how they sit and how they walk. 

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Benefits of Structural Osteopathy? 

  • Helps to relieve muscle tension.

  • Aims to increase the mobility of joints in the body. 

  • Can enhance the nerve and blood supply to body tissues.

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