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Dry Needling

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What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is an invasive treatment used by Osteopaths to improve tissue healing and ultimately restore muscle function. Fine needles are inserted into trigger points and tight muscles across the body. The treatment can be used to help manage low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches, joint and spinal dysfunction and many other conditions. For more information on Dry Needling please visit 

What are the benefits of Dry Needling?

  • May improve flexibility throughout the body by easing trigger points.

  • May provide muscular pain relief. 

  • May help your body to feel less stiff. 

  • May improve blood flow and oxygen throughout the body.

Does Dry Needling Treatment Hurt? 

Dry needling is a painless procedure. You are likely to feel a mild sensation when inserting the fine needles into the body and when withdrawing them at the end of the treatment session. If at any point during the session you have any concerns always let us know.

As the fine needles will be travelling directly into trigger points (muscles which are feeling tight or knotted) you may feel a short twitch when the needle stimulates the trigger point. 


You may feel some soreness after your treatment. However this pain should subside within 24-48 hours after having treatment. 

Can I carry on my day to day activities after Dry Needling Treatment? 

Yes. Dry needling should not affect your moderate daily routine.


However, we would highly recommend NOT taking part in exercise straight after the Dry Needling session as your body will need time to recover and you should allow your body to absorb the full effects of the treatment to maximise the benefits.

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

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