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Cranial Osteopathy 


What is Cranial Osteopathy ?

Cranial osteopathy relies on knowledge that individual bones in the body are normally performing a set of gentle movements and each have their own amplitude and frequency of movement. When dysfunction happens, it distorts these normal symmetrical subtle movements and a Cranial osteopath is able to find these areas of change and help them go back to their desirable movement. These dysfunctions usually happen when a person is undergoing either a physical or emotional stress. Cranial Osteopathy is used to feel changes of tension and tissue quality in the whole body and to diagnose areas of dysfunction and strain. Once the issue has been diagnosed then the Osteopath works to guide the body to heal itself through subtle and gentle touches to bring the tissues back into balance and aims to restore the individual back to health. For more information on what Cranial Osteopathy is you can visit  

What does Cranial Osteopathy feel like ?

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Cranial osteopathic treatment is described as gentle and relaxing for individuals. Osteopaths use a sense of touch which allows relaxation of tensions across the body either in the immediate moment or afterwards across the whole body. During the treatment session some individuals may become aware of different sensations such as aching, mild tension or sensitivity which gradually starts to disappear. However, some may not feel the affects until after the session where they feel very different.


Osteopaths use a sense of touch, information about a patients health situation, past physical and emotional traumas and a profound knowledge of Anatomy, physiology, biomechanics. This is to understand what is going on with the patient and then the Osteopath uses their knowledge and skills of different techniques in the field of Cranial osteopathy, to help their patient resolve the issue. While it all feels relaxing and not much happening, in fact there is a huge work going on. 

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What are the benefits of Cranial Osteopathy?

  • Releases tensions across the body helping to relieve symptoms.

  • Improvement in general well being and energy levels. 

  • Due to the relief of symptoms can also help individuals to sleep better. 

Who can undergo Cranial Osteopathy?

Cranial osteopathic treatment can be used on any individual. The reason for this is Cranial Osteopathy is not a technique it is instead a way of viewing the body. Cranial Osteopathy is specifically well known to be used on babies in particular however it is equally effective in children, adults and the elderly. 

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