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Background of Osteopathy 

The Founder of Osteopathy

Andrew Taylor Still was the first to use the term "Osteopathy" in 1874. Andrew was a physician and a surgeon based in America. The  word "Osteopathy" originated by putting together Greek for bone (osteon) and suffering (pathos). The concept of Osteopathy which Andrew Founded was that the body has a natural ability to recover when unwell as long as the individual is functioning effectively.

What is Osteopathy ?

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Osteopathy is a process which is used by assessing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems. There are various techniques that Osteopaths will use to help patients towards restoring their health. Some of these techniques are; movement techniques, stretching, deep tissue massage which is targeted to specific areas and manipulation of a muscles and joints which will ultimately aim to relieve pain and improve functionality of the body overall. 

There is a whole host of information on what Osteopathy is and the types of techniques used on patients over on the "Institute of Osteopathy Site" which can be reached through this link

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Key Principles of Osteopathy

Osteopathy looks at people as a whole and looks at the entire body. Osteopaths key principles relate heavily to the belief that wellbeing of people relies on how an individuals bones, muscles, ligaments, connective tissue and internal structures work with each other. Osteopaths have been specifically trained to help people work towards restoring their health through helping their patients to function more effectively. 

Osteopaths believe the body have the ability to heal, and the care that is provided during Osteopathy sessions are focused on strengthening the musculoskeletal systems to treat  conditions which are already existing and to prevent illness potentially arising in the future.

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